Monday, November 9, 2009

The Duel Edged Sword of Feminism

As a woman I am very glad to live in the modern age for several reasons. Because of the great woman of the past we are allowed to vote. We can hold strong jobs and have a number of other fair options.
However, there is a problem I clearly see. The fight seems to have gone to far. Unfortunately, with fighting for equality we have killed chivalry. With betters jobs for women many children have both parents out of the home instead of just one. With less consideration to gender roles media feels free to portray girls as sexual objects. We have gained position yes, but we have lost respect.
Now days men rarely open doors for women for fear of a "feminazi" (as they are sometimes called) jumping down their throat about archaic traditions. Since when has decency become labeled passe? For those of us living on the coat tails of the "modern women" we wonder why guys show us no respect. Perhaps they now treat us like men? Or worse, like they are afraid to go against what is "PC".
Some food for thought.

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